Monday 28 May 2018

Good Days

I like the days like today; the days where I can feel at peace if even just for the fraction of a moment, the days I can feel free of my burdens if only for just a minute. It's the days like today that keep me going like the oasis of the's the days like today that remind me how it feels to be free.

If you ask me Freedom should be redefined for this era of humanity. It seems to me that true freedom comes from within, that freedom does not have to be physical for it to be true, but, there are many people who confuse comfort for freedom and can not see the true picture of life. I met this man once in a coffee shop down town in the city I was staying in and he referred to this as the "Eagle" and explained that the Eagle displays this "image" or this projection over the reality so we can only see what the Eagle shows, unless you see the trick and the Eagle is exposed, then you will see Life for what it truly is. I was taken aback by his philosophy because it was so similar to what I had come to know and see; that Life was hidden behind the "life" that everybody lives. That Life, is an endangered reality quickly being destroyed by "life", that true Life is dieing. And it is Life that I crave for so badly. It is Life that cries within me to be Free, truly Free. But this life I am forced to live in a time of great change and uncertainty, this life will see the death of Life, and that saddens me to the core of my being, I hear the Earth cry out in woe and I see the darkness spreading.

Friday 11 December 2015

The heart of Life is change. If things stop changing then Life ceases to exist. Some change is difficult, some of it is easy, most of it is unexpected.